loops and 4:1 baluns
On Jan 16, 6:52*pm, Tad Danley wrote:
I have started to experiment with EZNEC and am
modeling a couple of loop antennas including
some delta loops. *I see references to hams
using 4:1 baluns with these antennas, but the
models I see show a feed point impedance of
roughly 100 ohms. *I'm not sure how a 4:1 balun
would help - what am I missing?
Thanks and 73,
Tad Danley, K3TD
It's harder to build a 2:1 balun.. a 4:1 is a 2:1 turns ratio, and
more common (yes, one can do 3:2, that's 1.5:1 turns, 2:25:1 Z)