loops and 4:1 baluns
"Tad Danley" wrote in message
I have started to experiment with EZNEC and am modeling a couple of loop
antennas including some delta loops. I see references to hams using 4:1
baluns with these antennas, but the models I see show a feed point
impedance of roughly 100 ohms. I'm not sure how a 4:1 balun would help -
what am I missing?
Thanks and 73,
Tad Danley, K3TD
I am beginning to suspect that traditionally made baluns are not as exact in
practice as they are theoretically. This is not a surprise, really. Few
things in electronics are exact as we humans like to assume, as you well
Good seeing your post, OM.
Ed Cregger, N2ECW former NM2K