loops and 4:1 baluns
"Dave" wrote in message
"Ed Cregger" wrote in message
"Tad Danley" wrote in message
I have started to experiment with EZNEC and am modeling a couple of loop
antennas including some delta loops. I see references to hams using 4:1
baluns with these antennas, but the models I see show a feed point
impedance of roughly 100 ohms. I'm not sure how a 4:1 balun would help -
what am I missing?
Thanks and 73,
Tad Danley, K3TD
I am beginning to suspect that traditionally made baluns are not as exact
in practice as they are theoretically. This is not a surprise, really.
Few things in electronics are exact as we humans like to assume, as you
well know.
the baluns are exact, the practical antennas aren't.
Only in theory. Such things as variances in construction materials from one
batch to another and the variations that one human will introduce to
construction versus another human also induce characteristics that do not
always jibe with theory.
I admit that I am argueing a very fine point here, Dave, but folks without
any electronics education, but who have pursued electronics theory as part
of their amateur radio advocation, are sometimes prone to thinking that
everything is exact. In the real physical world, few things are exact. Ask
any technician or machinist.