Cease Fire Reached.....
Sadly and predictably goal not reached (Israel). But what else is to
be expected?Same script and same result. A few Israeli's dead and
thousands of the bad guys. If common sense would be used....especially
after decades and decades and decades of "fighting" **if that is what
you want to call it** you'd "think" mathematics alone would show the
leaders of hamas that it is not a "good thing" to fire missiles into
Israel.shrug But common sense will not ensue....lol...and it will
happen again...nada nada nada nada nada. Oh Lord my God I cannot wait
till this crap is stopped for good and all the "ones" who quoted this
and that and twisted and turned your word that they are finally shown
the truth....but alas- it'll be to late.
I have been made fun of for yearssss (under a different monicker and
in real life) that Israel will lose etc. etc. and I just roll my eyes.
If there is anything such as a sure bet, this is a sure bet....but I
won't be here to collect. Oh well. Should be exciting, no doubt. :-)