Cease Fire Reached.....
On Jan 18, 7:40�am, Billy Burpelson wrote:
BCBlazysusan wrote:
Sadly and predictably goal not reached (Israel)But what else is to
be expected?Same script and same result. A few Israeli's dead and
thousands of the bad guys.
A lot of innocent civilians are "bad guys"???
If common sense would be used....especially
after decades and decades and decades of "fighting" **if that is what
you want to call it** you'd "think" mathematics alone would show the
leaders of hamas that it is not a "good thing" to fire missiles into
No, firing missiles into Israel is not a good thing. However, you have
to understand that being essentially an occupied country for decades and
decades is -also- "not a good thing". �They are not firing the missiles
just because it's a nice day and they have nothing better to do. Please
remember that every story has (at least) two sides.