(OT) : PONG MWB - Keep Preaching that Hate and Intolerance for Peopleof Faith
On Jan 18, 7:29*am, Mike wrote:
On Jan 18, 7:40 am, Billy Burpelson wrote:
No, firing missiles into Israel is not a good thing. However, you have
to understand that being essentially an occupied country for decades and
decades is -also- "not a good thing". They are not firing the missiles
just because it's a nice day and they have nothing better to do. Please
remember that every story has (at least) two sides.
- The one t hing you can count on is that Christian
- right-wingers will refuse to even acknowledge the
- possibility of anything having two legitimate sides.
- They are members of a "one-sided" religion.
MWB - Keep Preaching that Hate and Intolerance
for People of Faith. {Classic American Liberalism}
mwb - may god {allah} bless you with peace in your
heart and brotherly love for all mankind this day ~ RHF