On Jan 22, 2:02*am, dxAce wrote:
dxAce wrote:
dave wrote:
dxAce wrote:
Our current problems stem from Liberal/Democrat/Marxist policies which were
instituted in the past!
Such as?
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the fact that your queer friends (Barney Frank, The
Banking Queen, for one) in Congress seem to think that lending money to folks who
have no hope of ever paying it back is just too cool!
"Banking Queen" to the tune of Dancing Queen by ABBA, with Barney Frank singing the
Ahhh ohhh ohhh
You can build
You can buy
Any house your heart desires
Zero down
I am the banking queen
Fwiday night and your cash is low
I know a place that you can go
Get your house and use it
Go ahead abuse it
You can do anything
Go out and have a fwing
I am the banking queen
Old and sweet
(something) do our thing
Banking queen
Don't compwain
Or you'll hear me scweam oh yeah
You can build
You can buy
Any house your heart desires
Zero down
I am the banking queen
Told the bankers: hey you guys
Make the loans or you'll be fined
My friends at Fannie sure need it
Do it my way or beat it
While the stock's cwashing
That doesn't mean a thing
I'm still the banking queen
Never spanked for a single thing
Banking queen
Don't compwain
Or you'll hear me scweam oh yeah
You can build
You can buy
Any house your heart desires
Zero down
I am the banking queen
moma mia ROTFL - oaoa ~ RHF