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Old September 8th 03, 05:33 PM
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Frank - your email address bounced:

Subject: Making inductors
Date: Monday, September 08, 2003 9:18 AM


I got mine from Kanga U.S., but I see Kanga U.K isn't selling anything, and
they only list one book. I also suspected G-QRP as a source, but they don't
show it on their web site. If there is a U.K. Source, George Dobbs, G3RJV,
would know. In fact, I think I saw it at George's booth at Dayton. Bill
Kelsey at Kanga U.S. is a nice guy and easy to deal with
( but I suspect there is a UK source
somewhere which could be a lot easier for you.

The book is $20 U.S. so it's probably going to be 20 pounds by the time you
get it across the pond.

Paul Harden does this wonderful artwork which makes the book a real joy.
It's such a dense collection of reference info that it really is a "must
have" for a builder. It may be a little more U.S. centric than you would
like. Although he does show drill sizes for various metric screws, his
transistor table pretty much sticks to the 2N and 2SC types. Still, it's
almost worth it for the wonderful capacitor section. And he does show all
the common toroid mixes, how to wind toroids, and he has some nice charts of
inductance and Q for the more common mixes.

72/73 de WB8RCR
didileydadidah QRP-L #1446 Code Warriors #35

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 7:48 AM
Subject: Making inductors

As always, all the equations are in the handbook. Paul Harden's "Data
Book for Homebrewers and QRPers" has all the tables, without the
explanations, and it's a lot more compact (and cheaper besides).

Hi, Could you please provide me with a source where to obtain this book

I am in Scotland UK but can order in the USA Approx cost ?


Frank GM0CSZ / KN6WH