On Jan 9, 9:48*pm, Steve wrote:
I took it apart and hot soapy water'd the chassis and the case for the
first time in twenty years, blew out the dust and cleaned the tuners with
the spray. (oiled the fan)
Might as well re-tube it now, right? Yep, $80 plus tax at AES. (4-811a's) I
kept the pulls because they are near 100% after 20 years of use.
I'm considering upgrading to a newer amp such as a Heathkit sb-220 or the
ameritron-572.. the kenwood 922 would match my ts-870 nicely but they are a
bit pricey. (200 amp service to the shack)
So many choices.
Mud-duck with a bath.. quack
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he washed my balls, too