This is the very first 1957 ham SSB transceiver model that made ham
history as the very first SSB transceiver used in a DX-expedition and
remember the very angry Chrustjew hitting the table with his shoe in
the UN? Because of the American spy plane shot down by the Russians.
It had a KWM-1 aboard! Less than 1500 made and rare.According to a
recent QST article.
It was Nikita Khrushchev who was not a Jew, although that may just been an
unfortnate spelling error.
According to the wikipedia article, the shoe banging incident had nothing
to do with the U2.
It occured on 12 October 1960.
According to
The U2 incident occured on May 1 of that year, so it is possible that it
had some influnce on the proceedings, although it was not mentioned.
The KWM-1 was introduced in 1957, so it is possible that one was aboard
that particular U2 when it was shot down. I have not been able to find any
production figures, but they may exist. At $820, it would not be a popular
rig. The average annual salary in 1957 was $5500 in the U.S., so a KWM
would be 2-3 months take home pay after taxes.
If you are trying to sell it, I suggest you contact the Collins Collector's
Society, their members would be the most likely to be interested in it an
pay you the best price.
Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel