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Old February 2nd 09, 04:34 AM posted to
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Default Dr.David, PhD and Neo-Communists -nothing positive

On Feb 1, 8:28*pm, dave wrote:
On Feb 1, 9:48 am, dave wrote:

It called the free market place. *Unimpeded free market exchange
between free people.
Unimpeded by Socialist Government control and Adolf Hitlers like you!
Seig Heil!
Lack of regulation is what killed capitalism. *Nice work.

Oh really!? *Then spell it out Dr.DaviD, PhD. (AKA Huffington Post
ghost writter)
IN YOUR OWN WORDS Please explain to use all EXACTLY WHAT WAS NOT
your own words not Huffington Post B.S.

Capital that is free does not seek to commit suicide. *It is
Government regulation that ALWAYS interferes with the natural exchange
of free market capitalism. Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Of course, not single original Dr DaviD, PhD thought.

I thus respond in kind:

"Everything brought forward in favor of Socialism during the last
hundred years, in thousands of writings and speeches, all the blood
which has been spilt by the supporters of Socialism, cannot make
socialism workable."

"The interventionist policy provides thousands and thousands of people
with safe, placid, and not too strenuous jobs at the expense of the
rest of society."

"The word Capitalism expresses, for our age, the sum of all evil. Even
the opponents of Socialism are dominated by socialist ideas."

"All attempts to coerce the living will of human beings into the
service of something they do not want must fail." And so Socialism
ALWAYS fails.

"Experience shows that nothing is operated with less economy and with
more waste of labor and material of every kind than public services
and undertakings. Private enterprise on the other hand naturally
induces the owner to work with the greatest economy in his own

"All rational action is in the first place individual action. Only the
individual thinks. Only the individual reasons. Only the individual
acts." Government does not and can not.

"[Classical] Liberalism and capitalism address themselves to the cool,
well-balanced mind. They proceed by strict logic, eliminating any
appeal to the emotions. Socialism, on the contrary, works on the
emotions, tries to violate logical considerations by rousing a sense
of personal interest and to stifle the voice of reason by awakening
primitive instincts."

"For it is an essential difference between capitalist and socialist
production that under capitalism men provide for themselves, while
under Socialism they are provided for." (Freedom or Slavery: You

The Great Depression of the 1930s was the greatest economic calamity
in American history and quickly grew into a worldwide disaster. It was
as hard on children and teens as it was on adults. In fact, at the
height of the Great Depression, there were a quarter of a million
teenagers living alone on the road in America.

Their fathers had lost their jobs, they'd been evicted from their
homes, even their schools went bankrupt and closed their doors.

How could this have happened in the richest country on earth? Had
capitalism failed America?

Even today, most people blame the depression on the market crash. Some
blame it on corruption and income inequality, or on the capitalist
system itself.

While many things contributed to the Great Depression, there is
another less dramatic, but accurate a reason that has fallen through
the cracks. Economists know about it but most people don't. It doesn't
deal with stocks as much as with money-and the action or more
importantly inaction of the Federal Reserve board.

16 year old host Carra Cheslin journeys to New York and Washington DC
to learn more about the monetary causes of the Great Depression. She
takes us to the New York Stock Exchange and the site of the Bank of
United States whose failure marked the turning point from serious
recession to great depression. We'll also learn the surprising ways
that a place like American Girl Place helps tell the story of the
Great Depression.

In Washington Carra conducts and exclusive interview with Federal
Reserve Governor Randy Kroszner who explains in clear cut terms how
missteps at the Federal Reserve in the 1930s put the "Great" in "Great

Governor Kroszner explains to Cara how the Fed learned from its
mistakes to handle a similar market recession in 2000 with the result
that the recession was just a momentary hitch in economic growth. Over
time free market capitalism has been proven to be the engine of growth
not the harbinger of disaster.

Through it all, using analogies and clear-cut examples, Carra
communicates key points in easy-to-understand ways everyone can
understand and appreciate. The ups and downs of stock prices is one of
the market mechanisms ceaselessly at work harnessing increased
knowledge and changing technology to the task of improving our lives.
We now know when government interferes with this process the
Unintended Consequences can be catastrophic.