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Old September 9th 03, 09:28 PM
Mike W
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 9 Sep 2003 08:40:41 -0700, "Caveat Lector"

From URL:

FSK SIGNALS.-In fsk the rf signal is shifted in frequency (not amplitude)
between "key-open" and "key-closed" conditions. The signal amplitude remains
essentially constant. View (A) of figure 2-3 represents the letter "F" keyed
as a shift in frequency between mark and space. The normal frequency
condition with the key open is a space. Recall that this may be either the
lower or higher frequency. When the key is closed, the frequency instantly
changes to the mark value and remains constant during the marking interval.
Opening the key again returns the frequency to the space frequency. Midway
between the mark and space frequencies is the assigned channel frequency

AFSK signals are at URL:
73 From The Signal In The Noise
Caveat Lector Ya All

Damn, I thought I had received a definitave answer, and now I get a
contrary view... ;-(
goes away muttering untypeable utterances....