On Tue, 3 Feb 2009 19:20:15 -0800 (PST), Ron wrote:
On 3 Feb, 10:44, RHF wrote:
On Feb 2, 6:23*pm, Ron wrote:
On 2 Feb, 19:07, wrote:http://therealbarackobama.wordpress....-in-the-world-...
The credited author of this drivel "Procustes" (whoever the heck HE
is) quotes Cohn in one of the most worn out phrases in the elusive
Battle Of The FEMA Concentration Camps:
In October 2006, KBR was constructing “a huge facility at an
undisclosed location to hold tens of thousands of Bush’s ‘unlawful
enemy combatants,’” Marjorie Cohn wrote in AlterNet. “Americans are
certain to be among them,” she said.
- 2006? *Huge facility? *Undisclosed locations?
-*If it was begun in 2006 and was huge then
- someone would know where it is by now.
Horse Hockey.
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A silent YouTube video of 45 seconds showing Area 51 related shots?
Is this your "evidence" that a huge concentration camp facility
exists? You may as well have shown us satellite shots of Yankee
Stadium claiming it to be evidence that Willy Wonka's Chocolate
Factory is real.
Mother of Pearl !
Silly man. No one with a lick of sense would confuse Yankee Stadium
with The Chocolate Factory. Maybe the Metrodome. All those Viking
fans looking like Oompaloompas and such. :-)