In article ,
Dale Parfitt writes:
I'm looking for a 70cm receiver schematics. Nothing fancy just
something simple that works.
Does mode matter?
Regular FM voice I guess for listening into 70cm repeaters/simplex freqs.
If there's not a whole lot of 70cm activity near you, you can build a
simple single-conversion NBFM receiver with any of several chips from
this product line
) in an afternoon. Just leave the front end untuned. You won't have
any image rejection with a 455 kHz IF, but chances are better than good
that you won't have any images to reject on that band.
DigiKey sells ceramic filters (TK2332-ND is a good choice for NBFM as
well as AM applications) and slug-tuned discriminator coils for 455 kHz
(e.g., TK2502-ND) for use with the Philips chips.
A Mini-Circuits POS-500W VCO (200-500 MHz, -100 dBc/Hz phase noise, +10
dBm out) would give you coverage of both 220 and 440 MHz. Tune it with
a 10-turn or 20-turn precision pot and a well-filtered power supply.
Not the greatest stability, but it'd work. It also wouldn't be too hard
to add a digital frequency display with a microcontroller (to subtract
the 455 kHz IF) and prescaler....
-- jm
Note: My E-mail address has been altered to avoid spam