A open letter to CBres
A open letter to CBres
Lets keep are linear amplifiers turned off for the next sun spot
Just imagine a day when you can turn on your radio (Durning sun spot
season) and not hear 9db plus of noise. Hearing the sound of millions
of CBers keying up with High Power, poorly tuned and over modulated
radios is not what I call a fun way to enjoy a hobby. I would like
to suggest a better way of operating your CB equipment. Instead of
using the brute force method of CB Operation (High Power, over tuned
and over modulated radios). I suggest using the radios as they were
intended, outputting the Maximum legal power and staying out of the
radios. Using linear amplifiers ruined the CB experience for everybody
else. linear amplifiers splatters RF to adjacent frequencies,
Interferes with other services (aviation and emergency services) and
can even be hazardous to your health. The modification of CBs (Freq
and Peek) is also a concern. I can't tell you how many times I have
opened a radio I bought from ebay or the ham swap to see all of the
tunable components hacked or tuned with a 1/4 inch flat screwdriver. I
don't understand how someone would think you can tune a radio better
then at the factory, after all the factory only has the best possible
electronic test equipment to calibrate the radios. Sure, I understand
that these radios are not tuned to output the maximum possible RF
output that the circuit can supply, But instead set to the FCC
I just think people should take pride in there RF Signal. CB would be
a much better place with out the noise makers, profanity, linear
amplifiers and all the other stuff that makes CB a joke. Are you proud
to be a CBer? CB radio was a starting place for my career(and Life) in
technology. I eventually earned my ham ticket than went to college to
get my degree in electrical engineering. I hope someday CB will be a
place were young people will spark there interest in technology .
Keep your RF level down so we can all enjoy the band.
KGK5417 (My CB call sign circa 1971)