for everyone who wants to return cb to the way it was in the 1970'sand 1980's
For everyone who wants to return 27 mhz CB to the way it was in the
mid-1970's and early 1980's, now is your
For seven years, I have tried without sucess to recieve watchable
digital tv signals even though they were
broadcasting at the full power allowed by the law, and I had a rooftop
antenna with rotor, and a converter box with digital tuner and several
tvs with digital tuners.
And recieved more than twenty five analog tv stations fine.
Neighbors we know with better antennas than ours, and the best
antennas can not recieve a watchable digital
tv signal either.
And neither can the cable company. They just pass it through frozen
and broken up into blocks.
And some people can't afford cable, and some live in apartments where
they have to use rabbit ears.
All of this makes tv useless once analog tv is shut off for good, even
if you have the digital tuners.
And I seen a recent article that only less than 35 percent of the
country can recieve any digital tv signal.
After seven years of trying and having the capabiliy, plus a rooftop
antenna with rotor (and I tried other antennas as well), I now know
that digital tv is useless around here.
Also, after finding ou no one else around here can pick them up either
even hough everyone can pick up several analog tv stations.
I decided to get back into two-way radio.
That made me realize some other people will probably also decide to
get back into CB when they find out that
they can no longer recieve any tv stations, even with digital tuners.
Which will automatically return CB radio to the way it was in the
mid-1970's and early 1980's.
Although Some of the younger people might not even know about CB.
It's time to start suggesting to people that they might want to get
back into CB radio if they know what it is and want to,
and time to suggest it to the people who don't know what it is and
tell them about it.
Even if no one tells anyone about it though, I expect that it will
most likely return to the way it was in the
1970's and 1980's anyways simply because of the lack of tv signals.
I already found out the hard way cable tv is not any good around here
for the digitl tv signals.
And neither is satellite.
And neither is a rooftop antenna with rotor.
Nor rabbit ears.
It's the end of tv here.
In either another week or so or a few months.
I'm now glad I bought a new CB radio the other year in order to get
back into CB radio.
I actually bought my CB radio a little earlier than last year.
At the time, I didn't realize how handy it was going to be after
analog tv is shut off, since I didn't think about
it that way at the time.
I figured one base and one mobile in case of an emergency where there
isn't any cell phone service.
Or when cell phone service isn't working.
However, now it's going to come in very handy, indeed.
Using it as a way to socialize instead of vegetating out in front of
the boob tube.
Since there won't be any more recievable tv signals on the old boob
tube anyways.