Rightwingers Claim Their Stranglehold on Talk Radio is Tantamount toReligious Freedom
On Feb 8, 3:42*pm, wrote:
Democratic plans to revive government censorship of the radio and TV
airways will strike hardest at religious broadcasters who stand in the
way of a liberal social revolution.
Such nonsense! I live in an area where we get nothing BUT rightwing
talk radio every day, ALL DAY LONG. I've complained to the single
talk radio station's owner several times and he always hands me a load
of bull about how these shows are the only ones he can get. We hear
G. Gordon Liddy, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Lars Larson. Each
of these guys are always on about the slightest progressive notion
being tantamount to high treason. As a result, the people in my area
are almost exclusively highschool educated retired machinists and ex-
military without a clue. They think it's perfectly alright to poison
the hell out of their homes and yards because they don't understand
the slightest thing about the environment and don't want to know.
They think only stupid people go to college or would want to go to
college. This is what these morons have done to this country,
propagandizing an already mentally challenged populace into believing
that being dumb and ignorant is a quality rather than a major drawback
to proper citizenship. And you actually think making a first attempt
at correcting this appalling situation is a problem? Nobody cares
about the religious stations. What we care about is social and
political discussion where only the far rightwing perspective is
presented as absolute truth. Enough! These stations are supposed to
be run in the public interest, not in the Republican interest. They
must obtain licenses to broadcast. It is NOT strictly free enterprise
at stake here but the public's right to know what is going on in the
world both inside and outside the local community.