wrote in message
On Feb 9, 9:14 pm, " wrote:
Looking to buy a 3395 AM filter as used in early tube Heathkit
receivers..any other suggestions on receiving AM with homebuilt filter
system? TNX 73 Harold Followup: I am looking for a 3395 KHZ.
AM Filter for a Heathkit SB301 .The AM filter was offered as an Option .
The SB 301 will not receive AM without the optional filter....It has AM
detector and everything but the filter..I thought someone might have
worked out a substitute for the Heath filter..like a high Q tuned IF can
or whatever... TNX Harold
I worked on a National NC-300 a few months ago. It had a conversion from a
coil to a crystal at the second converter stage.
About half way down the page:
look for the "Second Converter modification at V3 6BE6" paragraph.
Schematics and FNBs are on BAMA.
The crystal used in the NC-300 is not at your frequency. But a crystal
company should be able to make you one. I purchased Hammarlund specific
crystals from
http://www.icmfg.com/ The crystals were about 25 bucks each.
AND the woman that answered the phone is not just a receptionist. She knew
exactly which crystals I needed for the Hammarlund and what overtone and
impedance!!! Not that she is a woman but she knew exactly what the vintage
crystal replacement I needed!
I hope this leads you some where.
Paul P.