WTB: Browning Ping Moduels
I'm looking for the Ole Style Cb Radio mic pinger that sounded like
the browning pinger, this one had real electronic components in
them.. no Eproms.. or sound recorder ones.. they don't do the sound
qute right.. 70's / 80 technologies here.. not the dumb late 90's and
2000's sound that doen't produce this sound right
this one will be enclosed in shink tubeing.. not in a box that will
have an emprom instead of real transistors.
Mr jiggs did make two versions but
what he didn't do right was with the timer
capacitor was too small sounded right
but ping to short.. i've have one.. so I know
I have a Photo / pitcher of one of them still enclosed in the case by
victory accessories it was the model # VPG / 1 .. will send a pic /
photo on request
thanks for any help