Moderator of rec.shortwave
Michael W. "I'm a college professor with a PhD" Bryant wrote:
On Feb 12, 2:53�pm, dxAce wrote:
dave wrote:
Steve Lare, of East Bumphukk, Michigan, is in charge.
Damn right I am, boy!
You're not even in charge of yourself. You're just a welfare-sucking
loser who only has his radios and QSL collection to remind yourself
how great you once hoped to be.
Welfare? Loser?
Yes I do have some nice radios. Much nicer than yours. Suffer!
Yes, I do have some nice QSL's (veries, for those in Glendale) Much nicer than
yours. Suffer!
Prediction: Steve can't respond without insulting someone else.
When I respond to you, I just laugh, and think about that whopper you told about
having a PhD!