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Old September 14th 03, 04:58 AM
Eddie Haskel
Posts: n/a

This one is tried and proven to be a winner. Start with some kind of mild
spark generator (large buzzer or mechanical bell). Isolate the device from
it's power source with a pair of chokes (and place in soundproof box). Feed
from the device(one lead to each side of spark gap or points) VIA 450Ohm
open ladder line to a dipole cut to the 11 Meter band and orient it in the
direction of the CB'ers antenna. This setup TRASHES AM and SSB RCVRS!!! I'ts
possible your neighbors might see some sparklies in their picture on the low
VHF channels. Want to make it REAL efficiant? take the CB radio you have and
put a COR on it's RCVR. Set it up without an antenna to his favorite
channel.When the COR closes it starts a time relay and transmits for about
10 minutes. Each time it hears the jerk it pops up and jams his RCVR.
This scheme will NOT work over 500 feet. If this guy lives next door or
behind you he IS game. He can not talk with someone ifhe can HEAR them to
begin with. Even the dumbest of animals will soon learn....Eddie

"Limitedselection" wrote in message

I want to effectively "jam" CB reception on my property.
The "jammer" would need to be low power and cover an area about as large

as a
'small' city block.

I have searched google, but I have only found references to schematics

were either posted to usenet as a picture (thus not saved in google

or located on web servers in domains that no longer exist.

Any information would be appreciated!