R1155 advice and info wanted
On Feb 15, 9:15*pm, "hmtavella" wrote:
Heriberto, see below in your text [interpreted to the best of my
Hi Roger:-
* * * * * * * * Answer part by part:-
* * * * *1) If the receiver was no[t] modified, the outp[u]t transformer for
phones s L30.- In some receivers modif[ied] [it is] replaced by one R of 100
k and [a terode tube is used]. e.g. 6v6 or 6K6 for the AF amplifier.
Thanks, yes, I found L30 at last! Very small and almost hidden.
A 100K resistor wil no work witha 6K6 here - too high. You need a 5K
to 4 (or 8) ohms output transformer for a speaker. I did this on my
Also, with a 6K6 where is the audio detector?
I plan to replace it with the original 6R7 and use an external
* * * * *2) I have many years [of] working [on] one R-1155 *with the following tubes:
6K8 or 6J8
The converter, OK.
6k7 in IF amplifier
RF pentode, top cap grid. OK
6R7 or 6Q7 in second detector and 1st.
OK, same as mine. I have both in stock.
In the magic eye can be a *EM34 european tube.
I'll look for a NA type substitue.
* * *3) Yes,the IF is 560 Khz. Will be adjusted warning the traps.
Yes, from VMARS.
4) The double triod[e] (V9) is CV1102, or BL63, [I do] not know [a] replace[ment] [in an]
american type. It is not neccesary for the amateur use.
Agreed, I won't be using it.
*I hope *was be useful for you.
Yes, very, thanks.
Excus[e] my bad [E]nglish
Don't worry, all corrected above... I hope!