"JB" wrote in message

"JIMMIE" wrote in message
On Feb 19, 4:38 am, wrote:
I recently acquired one of these cheap 2m handhelds from China, an
FDC-150 I think. It's great for the price (£30) apart from a problem
with QRM.
I use the radio with a 3 element beam from SOTA activations from hill
tops. It varies from location to location, but I often get strong
intermodulation effects (caused by pagers I think). I suspect the
radio, being wide band 136-174MHz, has insufficient filtering to
reject these strong signals.
The intermod is a real problem, as I am often unable to hear stations,
or only get half of what they are saying before they are wiped out. I
was wondering about building a 2m bandpass filter like the one
Does this look like a good bet?
Also any ideas where I can get the semi-rigid coax (UT-141 or RG-402)
in the UK?
If you are right about it being from a paging system the problem may
have nothing to do with the quality of radio you have. I have
experienced the same thing with a cavity filter on the front end of a
rx. Often the problem is with the pager transmiter. In that case no
amount of filtering will help.
Sad but true. A cavity the size of a backpack might only give you 30db of
rejection, but you might need more than 60db of rejection and you could
never get that without putting the radio in a sealed di-cast box with
bypassed power and audio. It would certainly be better though to start
a RX module with some isolation. The fact is, that scanners and cheap
might be rated at -40 db to -60 db of alternate channel rejection and get
blasted by everything on the mountain as well as everything on every other
mountain within 20 miles too! This is only a published spec. and doesn't
really tell you how much actual signal will result in overload of your RX
deck to cause Desense, nor does it guarantee that something else won't
a mix that falls right on the frequency you want to hear!
Or you could start with a top notch commercial RX deck with -90 db or
and hope you can work on that.
If your problem is -only- paging TX, say 1000 WERP or +60dbm and you can
stand right under the tower (for maximum vertical separation) you might
at least reduced the energy at your antenna to 0 dbm but more likely +20
dbm. Now you will have to notch out the offender by 140 db more to render
it truly invisible. Rotsa ruck, but if you had a radio with a 5 pole
helical resonator and Hi level mixer, you would be certainly better than
with a scanner, which would be like sending a baby in to fight the fires
the Twin Towers.
If the interference is the result of a third order IMD product,
each 3 dB of rejection will yield a 9 dB improvement in the
third order intercept point.
A modest filter might yield surprising results, it isn't a linear
Pete k1zjh