"K3HVG" wrote in message
I appreciate all the comments and have applied them to the issue. I fired
the transformer up and it does function, generally as expected. The B+
bridge type winding puts out about 350v, unloaded. I expected the one of
the two filament windings (green) to be 5v but they both and put out over
6.9v unloaded. The green winding puts out a good 6.5v with a 5v rectifier
tube filament wired to it, so it must be a healthy 6.3v winding, instead.
The outrider wire on the primary winding appears to color code out as a
"primary tap", using the link provided by Cmdr. Buzz. Maybe the extra wire
is, indeed, a 220v winding. If I could remember from whence it came???
Again, thanks to all. de K3HVG
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What voltages are you reading on the "primary tap" when
testing? It should work as an autotransformer to give
some idea if it is indeed a 220 volt winding or 110 volt
Also, the lighter gauge might make more sense
considering that the primary current would be 50% of
what it would draw on 110 VAC when using the 220VAC