SP-600 Hex screw all snockered up
On Feb 19, 11:54*pm, jakdedert wrote:
N9NEO wrote:
So in the end and after spending about 20 bucks for drills and about 2
hours trying to drill it out, I got serious. *I took another trip to
the depot and picked up a cutting wheel set for my Dremel, a
Bernzamatic pencil torch and fuel. *I had the three remaining hex nuts
coaxed off in less than 5 minutes with a little heat, The snockered up
hexnut was out in another 2 minutes.
So if you're going to have to take out some of those hardened buggers
I would apply a little heat if they give yu any resistance. *Torch was
$9.99 and as far as I am concerned a very good investment. *Dremel
cutting wheel set was another $13 and likewise a good investment.
Describe the process...all I see are the tools. *Did you dremel a
screwdriver slot into the bad hex head?
Hi Jak,
Nope. I took the remaining three screws out and cut the coupler in
half the long way. I drove the grinding wheel straight through the
hardened steel screw - no problem. I've used the Dremel tool when in
an emergency situation working on exhaust systems.