On Mar 5, 4:25*pm, wrote:
The PIGS of Europe
- Last week, Simon Constable and I explored new
- information from the EU that the collective prejudice
- of the big economies of Britain, France and Germany
- is that the Mediterranean states of Portugal, Italy,
- Greece and Spain (PIGS) have squandered their
- treasure and are looking for hand-outs and bail-outs
- from the EU as soon as March 1.
IF {Big 'if'} The European Union [EU] is truly a Union :
Then it is incumbent for the EU to stick 'together' and
help each other as interdependent "Equals" and
weather these economic bad times as one European
Economy. Other wise the EU is broken and history.
Without the EU : Europe as a single World Economic
Force is no more.
The Politics of a Broken Europe would lead to the
same type of extreme Nationalistic Politics that
lead up to WWII. - imho ~ RHF