Mike Silva wrote:
Caution: this may be the most unimportant post you read today (or this
month, or this year, or...)
Anyway, I haven't been in the market for QRP-level transistors for a
long time, having laid in a lifetime's supply years ago, but today
just for fun I searched for some of the usual suspects from the past
(2N3553, 2N3866, 2N4427, MRF237, 2N5109, 2SC799, etc) on Ebay and
found almost nothing to be had. This greatly surprised me, as I was
expecting to find all of my old friends readily available. So, are
the "old standards" really hard to find now, or are they still readily
available (outside of Ebay), or what???
I have to mention the irony that I am able to find any vacuum tube I
could possibly want on Ebay, including dozens of types that would make
excellent QRP finals, from a seemingly unlimited number of sellers!
Mike, KK6GM
I have seen 2n3866's on ebay a while ago. They do pop up from time to time.
Enter a search on your 'my ebay' page and have it set to email you when
something shows up. You might have to wait a month or two, but something
will turn up, if history is any example.