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Old September 20th 03, 03:21 PM
Posts: n/a

In the final analysis, they do a pretty good job of jamming each other.

"J M Noeding" wrote in message
On 14 Sep 2003 07:39:17 GMT,
(Limitedselection) wrote:

Subject: want circuit/schematic for CB "jammer"
(Robert F Wieland)
Date: 9/13/2003 12:57 PM Pacific Daylight Time

In article ,
Limitedselection wrote:
To "Caveat Lector":

Thanks for your 'help'!

Apparently you are a lawyer (or play one on usenet)?

You don't need to be a lawyer to know the law, nor a weatherman to know
which way the wind blows.

You will be interfering with an authorized radio service. That's


You will be transmitting (outside Part 15 limits) without a license.
That's illegal.

You will be putting on the air transmitting equipment that is neither
inspected-and-accepted nor type-accepted. That's illegal.

You do not own nor control the airwaves on your property. I could try

list the things that are illegal even though you own the property

done on, except that I have a 10-Meg limit on my temporary file size.

I agree you probably won't get caught, but don't kid yourself about what
you're doing...

R F Wieland Newark, DE 19711-5323 USA 39.68N 75.74W
Icom R75 Heathkit GR-81 Inverted-L in the attic
Reply to wieland at me dot udel dot edu

I am not kidding myself. I never stated, asserted, proposed or implied

jamming was legal.

I am very sorry that you completely misinterpreted my post.

I know that it jamming is illegal, okay Wieland?

Thanks for your help!

a friend made a jammer for a difficult person who caused a lot of
problems for the surrounding world. The jammer had photodiode, and
would only operate when dark, it transmitted only after a CB
transmission - for the next 20 minutes causing reception impossible
for this guy, and it was hidden in a nearby trea

So this bloke couldn't make 2-way communication and after some time
resigned to find a new house somewhere far away from this place

He had caused very much problems running high power and blocking
TV-and broadcast-reception, so it was a good idea to keep him from
activitating the CB or what ever band

It happened many years ago, but still it is told to amuse the friends


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