S wrote:
My son is a policeman in a town 25-30 miles from where I live.
I'd like to pick up a scanner to keep up with what is going on in his town.
What is the approximate range of the various scanners and what type/brand
should I purchase.
Thanks in advance
Well, it depends.....
First, what technology and or frequencies does his dept use ?
VHF, UHF, Trunking, APCO, Analog or Digital ??
What is the local land terrain ? Flat, Hilly, Mountainous ??
Go here to find some info on system type, etc
Best thing to do would be have son ask around dept. Lots of wives like
to listen, or when off-duty.
Might also see what your local RadioShack store would recommend (just
don't buy first thing the say)
Also might check ScanAmerica and see if his dept is on the Internet !!
Won't cost anything then.