FBI Arrests Have Nothing to Do with Obama
Michael W. Bryant, total dufus who once claimed to have a PhD, wrote:
On Mar 12, 1:30 pm, dxAce wrote:
Fat Boy Bryant worried about being truthful!
Well, being "truthful" isn't something anyone would expect you to
worry about. Your motto is lie, keep lying, never stop lying... You
are the most disgusting individual that's ever shown up on this
newsgroup. You make Hal Turner and Kevin Strom look like altar boys.
You stay in here bullying people, because if you acted this way in
real life someone would cap you pretty quickly. And most of us would
be cheering.
Cry Fat Boy, cry!
And, as always, don't let your children attend Louisville Technical Institute.
They've hired at least one dufus who once claimed to have a PhD, and who knows,
there may be more dufi there.