(OT) : Obama-Regime'sİ Body Count Goes UpDay-by-Day
In article
Mike wrote:
On Mar 12, 2:32*pm, "~ RHF" wrote:
The US President "Barack 'Hussein' Obama" is
the Commander-in-Chief - so we can all chant :
hey, Hey. HEY ! O-Bomb-My-A
How Many American Boys and Girls Did You Kill Today
along with Innocent Iraqi and Afghan Women and Children ?
I think most of us feel pretty confident that fewer innocents will be
tortured and killed in the battle against terrorism during the Obama
presidency than suffered under the Bush-Cheney fiasco. Or are you
suggesting, RHF, that the risk of killing innocents negates the
necessity of battling terrorism?
Or do you have any idea about what you're saying? Consistency is
something you seem pretty averse to...
I'm feeling pretty confident that another attack on our nation is in the
works aided by the obomination's policies.
Ventura, California