OT Has anyone watched the new video
On Mar 13, 11:37�pm, Telamon
In article
�Mike wrote:
On Mar 13, 7:41�am, BCBlazysusan wrote:
Before I start, I hope this doesn't turn into another knock down
insult everyone thread because that isn't what I want.
I have heard about the new video by Alex Jones called "The Obama
Deception." And before everyone starts typing their insults, the video
isn't just a tear down on Obama, which I was somewhat surprised.
MUCH of it also centers around former president Bush, I'll tell you,
the one thing I like about Alex is all he does is gather the
information. He even tells people on his show and I think also on this
video to "not just believe him".....to actually take the info that he
stated and google it. When it comes to all these presidential things
and bills and laws that are signed under the cloak of darkness and no
one even really knows what their about, you can look them up yourself..
I will say this much, every time Alex has mentioned something on his
show or on his website....I always checked it out, and he hasn't
bullcrapped once.
The video is 1hr 53 minutes long but it is well worth the time for the
amount of information and knowledge and facts that can't be disputed
that you will obtain. One thing I think within twenty minutes...it is
when they are talking to the former governor Jesse Ventura. Call me
crazy but I always thought and believed in the "democrats vs.
republicans"....and so did/does everyone else in here because we all
have jumped into or started threads on Bush or Obama or Dems or
Republicans. Jesse says "it is like professional wrestling"....it is
all staged...it is an act...lol. Remember back right before the
election and a few jumped on me when I said I believed that "if voting
'truly' made a difference, the government would outlaw it." Well, I
thought I was right in saying that and I was.
It isn't about Democrats and Republicans or Bush/Clinton or even
Obama, that is what they want everyone to think. Please try to not
respond if you haven't watched it and just start bickering. I'd really
like to know what SC/Telamon/RHF/Brenda Ann/Ace/BDK even Mike if he
can be halfway decent (only if you watched it) and everyone else in
here says but you can't really respond to a post about a video if you
never watched it. Trust me when I say it isn't just a tear down on
Obama himself. The majority of us in here are Americans (I think) and
even I have been guilty of ripping on Obama and the democrats, I will
look at it all a lot different from now on. Out of all us Americans in
here I think Brenda Ann may be the smartest one for not actually
living in the states. ;-) It's going to get bad guys, really bad,
worse than anything most of us have experienced. If I didn't name your
name I apologize, I can't remember everyones off the top of my head
but I am really curious as to what you all think AFTER you watch the
video. It should make for some good OT discussion.:-) I wonder if it
can be civil and if not who is going to be the one that starts the
crap. Just go to youtube or google video and type in "Obama
Deception"...on youtube it comes in twelve parts and to me it was
easier just to watch them all together in one shot on google video.
Looking forward to the responses.
OK, I watched the video and I have to say, "Nobody does conspiracy
explanations quite as well as does Alex Jones!" The video is a very
interesting combination of celebrity testimony, obvious facts, and
innuendo. In the end, the video is asking us to believe that Bush and
Obama are part of a conspiracy to deliberately destroy the US economy,
so that our rights can be stripped away and we can pushed into a one-
world government.
Overall, I think Jones has thought of an angle that might raise
concern for a majority of Americans. If you combine the percentages of
Americans who detest BOTH Bush and Obama, you start looking at a
pretty significant percentage of the population. The story told in the
video has just enough truth to it probably generate pangs of concern
in almost everyone watching it.
Do I buy it? Probably not. First, Jones' record with conspiracies
makes me realize that his accuracy level is not overwhelming. You
might even call his accuracy level pitiful. Secondly, I do not believe
that there is an intentional conspiracy involving both Bush and Obama.
But after watching the video, I am left with the impression that no
matter who the President turns out to be, we can expect similar
approaches to be taken. I don't think the purpose is to guide us to
one-world gov't. I do think that the sources of power in our society
(read: financial and political institutions) control interpretation of
social reality by controlling the flow of information upon which
decisions are made. I believe those interests have promoted there own
accumulation of wealth and support policies that they feel will
protect and maximize that wealth and power. To those ends, I think the
interests will seek to restrict the public's ability to disagree with
the info, I believe those interests will continue to promote free
trade and international cooperation because it makes the interests
more wealth and power. The real problem is that free trade and int'l
cooperation can be good, but if taken too far can be very bad. You
can't really say that free trade and int'l coop are Democratic or
Republican policies. Both parties support these concepts. Is it a
conspiracy? Only for those that will allow their paranoia to be
manipulated by Alex Jones.
But anyone that thinks Obama is the Messiah and will solve all our
problems is as probably deluded as Jones seems to be. Anyone in the
position of being President will be coopted by the institutional
powers that control the information on which decisions are based. Yes,
already those forces seem to be resulting in a steady move by Obama
back to the center and, perhaps, even to the right.
Still, I'm willing to give Obama more of an opportunity. We tried
eight years of Republicanism with Bush, and I think Americans have
sent a clear signal that they want to try a different approach. Obama
is unlikely to be able to make too many changes, but maybe that's
good. Reagan was a good President not because of his policies, but
because people felt they could trust him. Likewise, Obama's success
will likely not be reliant on his policy visions, but on whether
Americans can learn to trust him. That's the biggest thing that could
be done to restore economic and political confidence. Rooting for
Obama's failure is rooting for America's collapse.
Overall, interesting video, but I don't trust Alex Jones. He is
usually wrong, but that doesn't stop him. He just moves on to another
Nice enough, Suzy?
PS: I have placed in a folder the exact wording that I predict dxAss
(aka, Steve Lare) will use in his response to this post. Anyone care
to place a wager on his exact wording?
The film is not to be released for two days yet on 3/15/09.
Where did you see it?
Ventura, California- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
It was on YouTube. In 12 pieces.