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Old September 22nd 03, 05:00 PM
Jason Hsu
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Default PROJECT: next generation SWR/wattmeter

Last semester, I designed and built the QROP Meter for my
graduate school independent study project. Thanks to those of you who
helped me with certain thorny issues, such as transformers and DC
amplification. Go to my web page at
to learn how to build the instrument.

What makes my SWR/wattmeter different from the numerous versions
available from MFJ and the numerous homebrew designs out there?

1. Works from 200mW to 100W! You get the best of both worlds! MFJ
SWR/wattmeters don't work at QRP, and QRP SWR/wattmeters can't handle
100W. Tuning up at 1W instead of 100W reduces the QRM you cause by
20dB, or over 3 S units! You can also safely change the tuner's
inductance taps WHILE transmitting at 1W.
2. GOOD resolution at SWR values above 3 and even above 5! This can
be very handy at 160m and 80/75m.
3. 10-LED display for the SWR meter and another 10-LED display for
the wattmeter: No more squinting at cross-needle meters!
4. More accuracy at low power levels: Most SWR meters understate SWR
at low power levels due to the infamous diode drop loss. My design
compensates for this and allows accurate SWR measurements at QRP power

Let me know what you think, and feel free to contact me if you have
any questions or suggestions. If you decide to build the QROP Meter,
let me know how it goes.

Jason Hsu, AG4DG