Logs from The Philippines 090320 0000z
"Burr" wrote in message
Date Country/City Station Name Frequencies UTC SINPO Comments
3/20/2009 Japan Radio Japan 17810 5 55555 Talking about nuclear
3/20/2009 Germany Deutsche Welle 9785 14 55555 Talking about Fritz
the rapist Newslink.
3/20/2009 United Kingdom BBC 15360 16 54455 Talking about Fritz the
3/20/2009 Canada R Canada Int'l 9880 20 45344 Fat Lady singing
3/20/2009 Australia HCJB Global 15525 23 55555 Shiny Lady singing in
some language other then English sounds nice
3/20/2009 Australia R. Australia 17750 27 55555 News from Australia,
NZ, and Asia man & woman main news 0030
Burr's Radio Shack
Red Mountain, California / Bulacan, Philippines
Shortwave Receivers :
Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium
Drake SW8
Uniden BC895XLT & 245XLT
Grundig Yacht Boy 400
Long Wire Sloping "L"
Stoner Dymek DA100D
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