Nuvistor TV preamp mod
On Mar 19, 8:20*am, JIMMIE wrote:
On Mar 18, 10:50*pm, RFI-EMI-GUY wrote:
JIMMIE wrote:
I have 3 mast mounted nuvistor pre amps less power supplies. I was
looking for information on these to convert them to use on the 6 and 2
meter *and 70cm ham bands. I may still have a power supply around but
as of yet I havent been able to find it. The pre amps are mount in a
somewhat egg shaped plastic container with twin lead connections on
them. Im not sure of the manufacturer. Schematics on the amplifiers
and power supplies would be nice. Directions on doing the mod would be
great. There are plans for ham band nuvistor preamps around so if I
could figure out what I have it shouldnt be that difficult to conver
it to what I want. Besides that it will give me something to do with
these old 6cw4s.
You would do good to find a 70's or earlier ARRL handbook. There were
many articles about Nuvistors.
Joe Leikhim K4SAT
"Use only Genuine Interocitor Parts" Tom Servo *;-P
I used to have access to the handbooks of the 60s and early 70s. I
thought those were some of the best years. Im always on the lookout
for some but it seems a lot of other people share my opinion and dont
want to part with them.
They aren't that hard to find :-). The early-mid-60's handbooks would
be your best bet for finding Nuvistor construction articles.
But what you really want is to look up the 60's QST articles on
Nuvistor based preamps:
Sep 1960: Nuvistor as an RF Amplifier at 144 Mc
Jan 1961: K1IJB Nuvistor Preamplifier
Aug 1961: Nuvistor Preamplifiers for 50 and 144 Mc
Jul 1962: Nuvistor Converter for 220 Mc
Jul 1962: Improving Performance of Nuvistor 144 Mc converters
Aug 1962: Using the QST Nuvistor Converters with Amateur-Bands only
Jan 1963: An All-Nuvistor Convertor for 420 Mc
Apr 1963: Two Nuvistor Converters for 220 Mc
May 1963: Nuvistor Goes Mobile on 50 Mc
If you get the impression that early 60's was the peak for Nuvistor
usage, you'd be about right. The August 61 article is IMHO the
definitive one on preamp usage.
For using a TV preamp, all you'd want to do is remove any traps that
get rid of the ham bands. But you'd do much better with tuned input
circuit for only the ham band of interest.
You can download all the above for free from the ARRL if you log in
with your member ID. With all the old QST's available on the web,
everyone ought to be a member!
Tim N3QE