Nuvistor TV preamp mod
Unca Pete wrote:
"Tim Shoppa" wrote in message news:426c859e-943c
You can download all the above for free from the ARRL if you log in
with your member ID. With all the old QST's available on the web,
everyone ought to be a member!
Tim N3QE
I'll join the ARRL the day I can choose QEX over the QST
forced subscription that comes with the membership.
Pete k1zjh
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Have you ever thought of JOINING ARRL, and using your position as
a member to petition for this change?
Change is made by those who participate.
Agree with that ,although ARRL members should have a choice.
If they prefer QEX over QST they should have that option.
ARRL news is sent weekly by e-mail upon request .Moreover, members can
access QST articles via the ARRL web site, and also can access QEX articles.
Living in the UK I have opted for the annual CD-ROM ,which is published
in March ,including QST , QEX and the Contest Mag. covering the past
calendar year ,which suits me fine.
However I believe this option is not available to US residents .
Perhaps something to go for.
Frank GM0CSZ / KN6WH