Brenda Ann wrote:
"dave" wrote in message
Telamon wrote:
In article ,
Geary Morton wrote:
What are you guys doing with those antennas?
I use it to shoot my network signal over to my neighbor's house. We
split the DSL bill. Signal is 'okay' with a Dr. Bott antenna, but this
should do even better. I've also seen homemade directional WiFi
antennas using a tin can, but I'm lazy!
A corner reflector / Yagi type would be a good distance antenna. Very
directional with good gain depending on the number of elements with a
simple match to a driver dipole element. Most just use a one element
reflector so you lose off the back end.
I suggest a $10 Pringles Can Antenna.
I've read that Pringles cans were recently changed and will no longer
perform well for WiFi antennas..
There's some confusion, to be sure. I think you're supposed to use the
short Pringles can, not the full size one.