multiband resonant radials
On Wed, 01 Apr 2009 11:28:06 -0400, Bob Dixon wrote:
How does this work?
Hi Bob,
Pretty much in the fashion of regular radials.
Is there design information available anywhere so
one could build their own system for other bands?
Start with the nominal quarterwave length. Put it in the expected
environment. Measure SWR. Trim or lengthen as appropriate.
How does its performance compare with normal radials?
Normal being? Compared to 120 quarterwave radials?
Bandwidth, efficiency etc.
Oh! Bandwidth: probably wider.
Efficiency: probably much less.
Bandwidth and efficiency for ONE radial (or two, or three, or four...)
in this circumstance is normally in an inverse relationship when close
to the ground.
Richard Clark, KB7QHC