On Apr 2, 10:36*am, dxAce wrote:
Carter, K8VT, known Marxist dufus posing as 'Billy Burpelson', wrote:
Telamon wrote:
And you can read about it here on the NASA web site.
dave wrote:
- - - What more could they possibly add?
- - That we may be experiencing the beginning
- - of another "Maunder Minimum"?
- And some dumbass Marxist such as yourself
- will try to pin that on GWB too!
OT Just For The Fun of It ! :-)
Nah GWB spoke so little and said hardly nothing
in his 8-years as the US President : That in-fact
we had a period of Global Cooling.
However - BHO the Great Leader of Global Warming
is the #1 ObamaSpeaker© {Bloviator Maximus} and
in just a few months as the US President he has spoke
and misspoke {via the ObamaPrompter©} every day
and said so ever much time and time again : That now
in-fact we have a re-newed period of Global Warming
in excess due to all the Hot Air BHO has generated.
It does appear that President Barack 'Hussein' Obama
has been BARACKING© at the Moon ! ~ RHF