Tim Shoppa wrote:
On Apr 8, 5:00=A0pm, Engineer wrote:
A bit OT but I this product was mentioned in a engineering newsletter
I subscribe to.http://www.mfjenterprises.com/Produc...ductid=3DMFJ-=
Disclaimer: not mine (the product, newsletter or website), don't have
one, have not evaluated it.
Just interesting in a way...
Of course - not tubes, so a lot less fun!
You can still buy tube regen kits, for example:
It wouldn't be the same as my first Space Spanner... not unless I
could be 8 years old again!
For one thing, the neighbors all have cable TV today and so the massive RFI
won't bother them so much....
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."