(OT) : Billy Bob -says "I AM a complete asshole"
On Mon, 13 Apr 2009 22:24:27 UTC, m II wrote:
Bob Dobbs wrote:
m II wrote:
I also filter everything from a .cn server.
How boring life must be
without all the downloader trojans
and the latest conficker updates
I have an XP setup at work. That provides all the entertainment I can
handle. A few more intrusions / crashes and they'll start leaning more
towards a Linux (Open Source) based operation.
An acquaintance has recently pulled Vista from his machine and went back
to XP. Vista is as bad as Windows ME.
If a car builder ever sold such defective products, they'd be sued out
of existence in a few weeks. Why do people accept defective software?
They don't anymore, there is Linux and other systems. I run the
updated version of IBM/OS/2(eCS) and have no problems running any
program that allows me to use the web, etc. Too many people just
accept what is loaded on their computer without thinking about the
"What do you mean there's no movie?"