S-38 Questions about alignment.
On Apr 14, 6:38*pm, Bill M wrote:
Richard Knoppow wrote:
* * Looking at the schematic it appears that bands 1 and 2
have fixed padders in them. For Band-2 its C-11, a 2200 mmf
cap and probably one of the postage stamps. If this has
changed value it will throw off the band. I think this is
more likely than the coil having shifted. This is a common
value so a replacement should not be hard to find. I suggest
changing it before doing anything else.
Trying to follow your posts across the different forums.
The 38 is a plain jane AA5 with shortwave bands, *Don't try to read too
much into it. *Image rejection is so poor on the top band that it really
makes little difference as to how you tune it. *You're welcome to try,
I'm glad you wrote because I mistook the band Paul was trying to
align. Its band -3 which does not have a padder. So, if nothing else
seems wrong the coil may need tweeking.
I am pretty sure all the bands on the S-38 series tune with the
LO above the signal frequency. One can always try it below. If that's
wrong it won't track properly.
I don't think it has any image rejection at the upper part of
the top band:-)
Richard Knoppow