"Paul P" REMOVE paul @ REMOVE ppinyot . REMOVEcom wrote in
message ...
OK then I wasn't wrong about which band was the
problem:-) However, in the Rider's manual from Nostalgia
Radio C-11 is shown as a fixed 2200 uuf cap.
I also found a PDF of the original Hallicrafters
handbook. This also shows a 2200 uuf fixed cap in the
padder position. The component numbers are different from
the Rider's sheets, in the Hallicrafter's book this cap
is called C-16 and is listed as a 600V mica. For band-2
the only adjustment is the trimmer, C-21 (in the H book).
If the low end is off or if the entire band is off I
suspect C-21 or else coil damage. The S-38 does have an
adjustable padder for Band-2 but the S-38A and S-38B do
not. So, I suspect someone added the adjustable cap for
some reason, perhaps because of the problem you are
having. Anyway. I would remove it, put a 2200 uuf mica
cap there and see what you get. If the thing is still off
check the coils and value of the trimmer, maybe someone
substituted it.
Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles
Where did you find that manual?
As a side note, if you look at the Nostalgia Air schematic
it does show a padder on the band 2 position and it is
bolted on the chassis with access holes from the top.
Band 2 does have a 1200pf cap in parallel with the padder
that is needed to align the 1.8Mc point. That cap is NOT
depicted on the schematic. The padder does look factory
as do the holes, wires and bolt through the chassis.
And thanks again for all the comments and help,
Thanks, Paul P.
Its on BAMA. I usually use the mirror site because its
much faster most of the time. See
There is also a Sam's folder in the same place.
I suspect Hallicrafters made a lot of undocumented
changes at various times. The S-38 has a padder on the
second band but it faces the bottom.
I have both an S-38 and S-38B in the hopper except the
S-38B is in one of a couple of storage garages and I no
longer remember where. This was my first short wave receiver
bought by my parents new after a great deal of nagging. I
think I have become a defacto Hallicrafters collector
without meaning to.
Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles