Unknown Aerotron Receiver
"Scott Dorsey" wrote in message
I have an Aerotron radio receiver here, with a slide rule dial that covers
the whole 108-136 civilian aviation band. It has a switch on the back
marked "6V-12V" and a cord with an 8-pin Jones connector on the end.
From a rough look of the electronics, it's probably either intended for
use with a transmitter that has an internal power supply or it has an
external box with a vibrator in it. There's nothing on the chassis to
actually provide B+.
There's a nice looking McCoy mechanical filter in there, and the tube
complement includes a 6BS8, a 6BN8, a 6CL8, five 6BA6es, and a 12AT7.
Also a 0A2 for B+ regulation. Looks like audio output is line level from
that 12AT7 so there's an external amplifier somewhere too.
The back of the chassis is stamped 513456 which I take to be a serial
number. Any idea what model receiver this is and if it's part of a larger
airborne civilian T/R set? Anyone maybe have a schematic? A google
turns up only modern Aerotron gear.
Didn't Aerotron own Gonset at one point- try looking through the Gonset
models. I know they made a similar RX that was 110VAC powered.
Dale W4OP