Experimenting with Coils for Crystal Sets
David wrote:
Was just wandering if anyone has used or experimented with television
IF, Video and Detector coils, most are slug tuned coils that have a
few uh to several hundred uh, some are sheilded some are not, i have
about 500 that i bought years ago, a lot of them look very close too
the old loopstick type coils, looking for
Unfortunately, the *Q* of those coils will be much too low for effective use
in crystal receivers. The best results I've had with "no power" receivers
involved the use of FET detectors and /very/ High-Q coils. The inductors
usually have to be large diameter air-cored, but you can get away with toroid
or ferrite rod types if you can accept poorer results. It's quite
illuminating to browse the offerings on the web.