Restoring a Hy-Gain Yagi...
lagagnon wrote:
I am about to refurbish an old Hy-Gain TH3-Mk3 Thunderbird tri-band
yagi. This yagi has been used in a coastal environment and thus the
aluminum is slightly pitted and most of the connecting hardware needs
I figure steel wool would work fine for the aluminum tubing,
Avoid steel wool. Inevitably, it will leave little iron/steel fibers
behind, which will rust/corrode/react with the aluminum.
Use synthetic scrubbies (3M ScotchBrite) instead.
I know
how to test the traps, but I am wondering whether to use stainless
steel or galvanized hardware? Which would react least over time with
the aluminum? Also, I remember many years ago there is an electrical
joint compound stuff for using between the tubing sleeves - can anyone
please give me some brand names of this stuff?
Any other ideas appreciated....
Larry VE7EA