On 2 May, 00:24, "Clave" wrote:
"Telamon" wrote in message
In article
A shocking decision has been handed down by the National Public Radio
Funny, but I can't find anyone but this one wingnut website mentioning this
(and a few others quoting it verbatim), and I notice that none of them
include any references that we can look at ourselves.
I guess some people will just take *anything* on faith.
I expect this sort of thing to happen with the Obomination as president.
Things will probably get much worse. Expect to be persecuted for being
Christian one of these days.
WATB alert...
I guess some people will just take *anything* on faith.
It would appear so. The article is indeed all over the net, and all
are identical Going to the NPR Home Page and nosing around, some
interesting facts about NPR are stated:
"NPR was incorporated in 1970 pursuant to the Public Broadcasting Act
of 1967, but it is not a government agency. NPR is not a radio station
itself NOR DOES IT OWN ANY radio stations, but NPR programs can be
heard on more than 860 public radio stations across the United
"A PRIVATELY SUPPORTED, not-for-profit membership organization, NPR
serves a growing audience of 27.5 million Americans each week in
partnership with more than 860 independently operated, noncommercial
public radio stations."
Reading DonkeyDoo's cite in the original post we see that the writer
used the phrase "...In explaining its decision in a similar matter,
PBS -- another federally funded media outlet -- ". Another FEDERALLY
funded outlet? Looks like the writer of DonkeyDoo's cite is not up to
speed on things.
Didja' ever wonder how Urgan Legends begin?