On May 2, 4:43*am, Bushcraftgregg wrote:
On May 2, 5:27*am, "~ RHF" wrote:
On May 2, 12:47*am, Bob Dobbs wrote:
National Public Radio's new policy permits "only nonsectarian" content
on all its broadcast channels ...
"n 1985, National Public Radio (NPR) adopted a policy stating that
member stations were required to provide "nonsectarian, non-political,
noncommercial" educational programming. But as of today (May 1), NPR has
changed its policy to read as follows: "NPR Member Stations shall
provide ONLY [emphasis added] nonsectarian, non-political, noncommercial
educational content on all broadcast channel(s) and related media
distribution platforms such as member partners that use the NPR member
brands." Consequently, any NPR stations that have been airing religious
programming will no longer be permitted to do so."
- Does this mean we will no longer be hearing so much
- pro-jewish (ehretz yisrael) slant on everything they air?
- --
- Operator Bob
- Echo Charlie 42
The regular TV Channels that play the Jewish
'Moses' Movie at Easter but no Movies -wrt-
Jesus-the-Christ and Christianity serve the 5%
of the US Population that is Jewish and turn
their backs on the other 67%~85% of the US
Population Who Identify Themselves As Christians.
IMHO - "The Passion of the Christ" should be shown
by at least one or all of the TV Channel each Easter
Season as a 'testament' to the vast majority of
Christian Viewers here in America.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Passion_of_the_Christ
-but- The Liberal 'Secular' Anti-Christian Media's {Biases}
Objective seams to be to take Jesus Out of Easter.
Every Other Year Hollywood brings out another Jewish
Holocaust Theme Movie with the Message "Never Forget"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust
While Hollywood {USA} Neglects the 9/11 Attacks on
America and Insuring that Americans "Never Forget"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11
Clearly I Do Believe That The Holocaust Did Happenhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust
That The Jewish People Did Suffer A Great Injustice
That The NAZIs Were A Monstrous Bunch Of Criminals.
-but- That Was in the 1930s & 40s
-and- The 9/11 Attacks on *the USA by the Islam-O-Fascist
Just Happened in 2001 and Americans' Need To Rememberhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11
Them and Who Did Them and Never Forget
-cause- Within several Decades or by the Next Century
the Islam-O-Fascist Plan on Destroying Israel and
Subjugating the USA to Conquer the World for Islam.
and that's would i see it as a christian ~ RHF
=PS= Remember The September 11 2001 {9/11} Attacks :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11
america never forget,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11
America Never Forget.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11
AMERICA NEVER FORGET !http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11
-pps- The War on Terrorism and Islam-O-Fascism is Real*.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_on_...ipedia.org/wik...
* It Is A Decades Long "Hundred Year War" To Preserve
The USA and Protect Our American Freedoms : A War
That We Must Win To Ensure That Future Generations
Are Not Subjugated {Enslaved} By The Islam-O-Fascist.
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- Show quoted text -
What everyone should do IMO (which will never happen) is to google the
archives of that sad morning of 9-11 in rec.radio.shortwave (when you
think Bush went too far in his war on the idiots) and the days after.
It was a tragic day but it was cool how everyone in this group pulled
together and actually showed their feelings and for once (as far as I
remember) people weren't calling others retards for their beliefs. How
quickly people forget. And I can say I was the FIRST one to post that
morning as soon as the first attack happened because I was trying to
log a station in New York. After that post it was wild how one after
the other joined in with their reports. Here in the Nati' hearing
those fighter jets just absolutely blow over my QTH was something that
was mind blowing and scary as crap.
My three scanners were going nuts, I will always have those micro-
cassette tapes - front and backs filled with local chatter and of
course that dumb ass Alex Jones (what did he know) that kept warning
for months BEFORE that the Towers were going to be hit...lol. Yep,
ole' Alex is just a nut and doesn't have a clue. ;-) I also have the
tapes of that day of Alex's show - a classic. What was really stranger
and surreal was when all the planes were grounded and the message from
the towers telling everyone to get out of the skies. That was the only
day there was silence on those bands and I hope it never happens
again. I will never forget, but it sure sounds like our new leader
DXLOVER574738845 -wrote-
I was logging some AM DX.........and heard
then break in, it was wild.
The station I was listening to 770 WABC in
New York, it was pretty dramatic.........very hectic.
Any good freq. anyone????????