The Tortured Rhetoric of the Reactionary Left
Sigh, how pathetic.
As usual, trying to justify torture by what some barbarians do in
other countries.
First, it's well-established that torture took place. It is also well-
established that the US military ruled dozens of deaths in Bagram as
homicides. There is no disputing these easily-accessed facts from
their direct sources.
It is also well-established that the US prosecuted and punished
Japanese military leaders and soldiers for torture for waterboarding
our soldiers during World War II. It's also well-established that
waterboarding is, as a matter of law, torture, despite some pathetic
attempts to re-define the law which hold no legal weight or authority
and violate prior treaty obligations such as the Geneva Convention.
Moreover, and perhaps most damning, torture is worthless for gaining
intelligence. Even the Nazis stopped doing it because it generates so
much false intelligence. It's simply a fact that torture is primarily
useful for extracting false confessions (which were gotten by the
thousands as many "witches" confessed to their "witchcraft" during the
Inquisition.) The tortured person simply tells the interrogator what
he thinks they want to hear based on the line of questioning, to make
it stop.
In fact, torture was used extensively to "prove" that Iraq had WMDs
that they didn't have. The faulty intelligence gathered this was was
at best misleading and at worst deliberate propaganda to sell an war
for political reasons.
At any rate, only a creep would defend US behavior at Abu Grahib or
Bagram. Only an un-American with no clue what our values are.