"dave" wrote in message
Telamon wrote:
In article ,
dave wrote:
I use a Dangerous Deadly Mercury Poisioning flourascent light bulb in
kitchen and in my bathroom, I never turn them off.When they burn out, I
am going to go back to using Good G.E.Reveal 60 watt light bulbs in
those two rooms.
Stock up on a lifetime supply of Good old fashioned Incandescent Light
Coal fired power plants put more mercury in the atmosphere powering your
incandescent (for the difference in energy used), compared to what would
be released if you broke the CFL.
A broken CFL put all the mercury inside your house to clean up. If it
gets in the carpet you will have to replace it.
Give me a break. 6 tenths of 1 milligram. I'll be glad to take that
carpet off your hands.
Remember when it was a rite of passage to coat a penny with mercury from a
broken thermometer or the mercury switch out of an old thermostat? Sure,
you don't want to ingest the stuff, but if we didn't live anywhere that
there was stray mercury (in much larger quantities than in any fluorescent
lamp), there wouldn't be a lot of places to live..